Team Member


Pat Maluso


Hi, I’m Pat Maluso and I’m the owner of Rupes Hydraulics. I want to make sure you are completely satisfied with our service. If you have any issues or feedback, do not hesitate to call me on my personal cell phone at 760-877-9921. I look forward to speaking with you.

about pat maluso

Pat Maluso struggled with retirement. He was bored and missed challenging his mind. Moreover, he no longer felt as if he was truly “making a difference”. As a Fluid Power Specialist and Accredited Instructor, he had a passion to share his wisdom, knowledge, and decades of experience.

In late 2019, Pat was made aware that Rupe’s Hydraulics was for sale and began negotiations, finalizing the acquisition in May of 2020. His passion and life-long dream to own his own hydraulic business had come true. He now owned one of California’s largest hydraulic repair shops. However, bigger wasn’t necessarily better, so Pat rolled up his sleeves and went to work. (Don’t let the suit fool you. He still turns wrenches when necessary!

Taking the wheel in spring of ’20, the massive waves of Covid were crashing all around Pat’s new ship. His dreams of growing the staff, installing a culture of continual education and process refinements, and improving the customer experience was thwarted by business lockdowns and lack of qualified potential workers. However, Pat realized that significant changes were necessary if they were to regain their reputation as the best hydraulic shop in Southern California.

Considering all these obstacles, what did Pat do?

He installed a culture of continuing education guiding several team members to earn Hydraulic Mechanic Certifications from the International Fluid Power Society, and the entire team went to work in identifying problem areas and finding solutions to improve the customer experience!

Today, Rupe’s proven processes for troubleshooting, diagnosing and repair includes:

  • 15-minute turnaround on hose replacements

  • Inside of every hose is cleaned to OEM ISO Cleanliness levels

  • On-site, immediate, range of estimates provided for repair costs

  • In-house tear downs, diagnostics and accurate repair estimates provided

  • Thorough testing on all components prior to leaving our facility

  • Remote troubleshooting services via smart phones